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Sunday, July 31, 2022

ગુજરાતમાં ટ્રાફિક નિયમો અને ઉલ્લંઘન

ગુજરાતમાં ટ્રાફિકદંડગુજરાતમાં ટ્રાફિક દંડ, નિયમો અને ઉલ્લંઘન, નિયમો અને ઉલ્લ

ગુજરાતમાં ટ્રાફિક નિયમો અને ઉલ્લંઘન

મોટાભાગના જીવલેણ અકસ્માતો વાહનચાલકો દ્વારા ટ્રાફિકના નિયમો અને નિયમોનું ધ્યાન ન રાખવાને કારણે થાય છે. વધુમાં, મોટાભાગની વ્યક્તિઓ જે માર્ગ અકસ્માતમાં મૃત્યુ પામે છે તે 18-35 વર્ષની વય જૂથમાં હોય છે, ન્યૂઝ18 દ્વારા પ્રકાશિત એક લેખ જણાવે છે. ટાઈમ્સ ઓફ ઈન્ડિયા દ્વારા આપવામાં આવેલા અહેવાલ મુજબ, ગુજરાત એકમાત્ર એવું રાજ્ય છે જ્યાં પીલીયન રાઈડર્સની જાનહાનિ વાસ્તવિક રાઈડર્સ કરતા વધુ હતી. વધુમાં, ભારતમાં માર્ગ અકસ્માતોમાં ગુજરાત સૌથી વધુ હિસ્સો ધરાવે છે. આવી અસ્પષ્ટ જાનહાનિનો સામનો કરતી વખતે, તમારી પોતાની સલામતી અને સલામતી તેમજ અન્ય લોકો માટે ગુજરાતમાં ટ્રાફિકના નવા નિયમો વિશે જાગૃત રહેવું મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે. આ લેખ ગુજરાતના ટ્રાફિક નિયમોની વિગતવાર શોધ કરે છે. ગુજરાત ટ્રાફિક નિયમો અને દંડની યાદી ટ્રાફિકના નિયમો અને નિયમોનું સંપૂર્ણ જ્ઞાન હોવું એ દરેક નાગરિકની મુખ્ય જવાબદારી છે, જેના ઉલ્લંઘન પર કોર્ટ કેસ અને દંડ થઈ શકે છે. અહીં ગુજરાતના ટ્રાફિક નિયમોની સૂચિ છે અને જો કોઈ નિયમોનું પાલન ન કરે તો સંબંધિત દંડ વસૂલવામાં આવશે. ટ્રાફિક ઉલ્લંઘન પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ કોઈપણ વ્યક્તિ જે વાહન ચલાવે છે, તેને ચલાવવાનું કારણ આપે છે અથવા કોઈને વાહન ચલાવવાની પરવાનગી આપે છે: (i) લાયસન્સ વિના

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000 (ii) હેલ્મેટ વિના

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹500

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹500 (iii) પરિવહન અધિકૃતતા વિના

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ

ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000

અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ

ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000 (iv) જ્યારે સગીર

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ

ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ

ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000 (iv) લર્નર્સ લાયસન્સના નિયમોનો ભંગ કરવો

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ

ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ટુ-વ્હીલર: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹3000 ઝડપ મર્યાદાથી ઉપર વાહન ચલાવવું

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ટુ-વ્હીલર/થ્રી-વ્હીલર: ₹1500 ટ્રેક્ટર: ₹1500 LMV: ₹2000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹4000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ટુ-વ્હીલર/થ્રી-વ્હીલર: ₹2000

ટ્રેક્ટર: ₹2000 LMV: ₹3000 અન્ય વાહનો: ડ્રાઇવિંગ લાઇસન્સ 6 મહિના માટે અયોગ્ય જોખમી રીતે વાહન ચલાવવું

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ

ટુ-વ્હીલર/થ્રી-વ્હીલર: ₹1500 LMV: ₹3000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹5000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ

ટુ-વ્હીલર/થ્રી-વ્હીલર: ₹1500 LMV: ₹3000 અન્ય વાહનો: ₹5000 શારીરિક/માનસિક રીતે અસ્થિર વ્યક્તિને વાહન ચલાવવાની મંજૂરી આપવી

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹1000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹2000 ગુજરાત સરકારની લેખિત પરવાનગી વિના સ્પીડ રેસિંગ

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ


બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹10,000 નોંધણી વગરનું ટુ-વ્હીલર ચલાવવું

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹1000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹1000 નોંધણી વગરનું થ્રી-વ્હીલર

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹2000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹2000 અનરજિસ્ટર્ડ લાઇટ મોટર વ્હીકલ

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹3000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹3000 માન્ય વીમા વિના ટુ-વ્હીલર ચલાવવું

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹2000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹4000 માન્ય વીમા વિના થ્રી-વ્હીલર ચલાવવું

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹2000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹4000 માન્ય વીમા વિના કોઈપણ હળવા મોટર વાહન ચલાવવું

પ્રથમ વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹2000

બીજી વખત ઉલ્લંઘન કરનારાઓ માટે દંડ ₹4000 ગુજરાત ટ્રાફિક નિયમો અને ચિહ્નો હવે જ્યારે તમે ગુજરાતના ટ્રાફિક નિયમોના ભંગ બદલ વસૂલવામાં આવતા દંડને જાણો છો , તો અહીં કેટલાક ટ્રાફિક સંકેતો અને નિયમો છે જેના વિશે તમારે ડ્રાઇવિંગ કરતી વખતે ધ્યાન રાખવું જોઈએ: બોટમ લાઇન ભારતમાં વાહન ચલાવતી વખતે તમે ગુજરાતના ટ્રાફિક નિયમો અને અન્ય સલામતી દિશાનિર્દેશોનું પાલન કરો તે આવશ્યક છે. આ નિયમો અને નિયમોનું પાલન કરવા માટેનું પહેલું અને મુખ્ય પગલું એ વીમા પૉલિસી મેળવવાનું છે, જે માત્ર સંબંધિત ટ્રાફિક દંડને ટાળવા માટે જ નહીં પણ પોતાને અને તમારા વાહનને નુકસાન સામે રક્ષણ આપવા માટે પણ છે. છેવટે, તમારા વાહનનો વીમો મેળવવો એ પણ RTO નિયમોનો એક ભાગ છે! બજાજ માર્કેટ પર મોટર વીમા પૉલિસી દાવાઓની ત્વરિત પતાવટ અને અસંખ્ય નેટવર્ક ગેરેજની ઍક્સેસ જેવા લાભો પ્રદાન કરે છે. જો કે તમે અન્ય લોકો કેવી રીતે વાહન ચલાવે છે તે નિયંત્રિત કરી શકતા નથી, તમે ખાતરી કરી શકો છો કે તમે માર્ગ અકસ્માતો સામે વીમો મેળવો છો. સુરક્ષિત મુસાફરી માટે હવે તમારો મોટર વીમો મેળવો!

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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Top 5 smartphones under Rs 10,000 2022

 Top 5 smartphones under Rs 10,000 2022

Wondering and that is the best phone below 10000? Expensive smartphones generally provider more interesting quality and defining . even so , there are certain smartphones that are budget-friendly and quality -friendly both. With mobile data becoming budget , more and more public can afford cell phone today. What if we tell you, that you don’t have to burn a hole in your pocket to get the best quality in a smartphone?

In this article, we have talked all over your best phone below 10000. These mobile phone below 10000 are sure to win your heart.

1. Xiaomi Redmi 10A

Xiaomi has been holding the market for quite a long time with its budget-friendly cell phone . even if minor exchange , the company has been begin new phones even with overlapping rate . Xiaomi Redmi 10A is one of the best cell phone below 10000. Let us look at the definition , pros, cons, etc in detail here.

It is powered by a powerful MediaTek Helio G25 chipset and that is paired with up to 4 GB RAM and up to 64 GB internal storage. It has a large 6.53-inch HD+ sowing with 720×1640 resolution. The phone has a big 5,000 mAh array capacity. There is a 13MP primary camera with a 2MP secondary lens.

2. Xiaomi Redmi 9

Xiaomi at all time delivers good doing at a very less rate . The Xiaomi Redmi 9 is no unlike . It is a capable gadget and perfect for daily use. Although Xiaomi did the cost-cutting, what all quality can we expect in this phone and what makes it one of the top best mobile phones below 10000, let us find out here.

The phone comes with a Mediatek Helio G80 chipset and is paired with 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. You will be see a big 6.53-inch HD+ display with a 5,000mAh array that simple kindness for two days. There is a dual-camera setup that involve 13MP primary camera with a 2MP secondary lens.

3. POCO M2

The POCO M2 is a typically low-budget phone begin by the cell phone company to satisfy the demand of public who are not looking to spend too shroud be on a phone. The POCO M2 has a decent battery life and a good processor. Let us look at the details here.

The phone comes with a MediaTek Helio G80 chipset and that is paired with 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. It has a 6.53-inch FHD IPS display with a big 5000 mAh array to keep it running. It quality a quad camera setup on the back that involve 13MP + 8MP + 5MP + 2MP.

4. POCO C3

quality next on our list is POCO C3 – A budget-friendly phone having all the desired quality in that range. The powerful design is sure to win your heart. If you love using your phone for heavy purposes, POCO C3 is your ideal selected for the best cell phone under 10000.

The Poco C3 is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio G35 processor and packs up to 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. The Poco C3 is equipped with a 6.43-inch HD+ (1600×720-pixel) display and a 5,000mAh battery. There is a 13-megapixel primary camera, a 2-megapixel macro camera, and a 2-megapixel depth sensor.

5. Realme C31

Realme knows how to capture the market. Since all over can’t afford mid or high-range phones, the smartphone agency begin the best cell phone below 10000 to satisfy the lower rate range. Realme begin the Realme C31 at a very justified rate . The phone is ideal for your daily ordinary usage. Check the information here.

The Unisoc T612 processor powers the gadget . Memory choice involve 3GB or 4GB of RAM and 32GB or 64GB of internal storage. The cell pone has a huge screen of 6.5 inches with HD+ resolution and a 5,000mAh array . Among the cameras, you’ll find a 13MP main lens, a 2MP macro lens, and a monochrome lens.

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Friday, July 29, 2022

Why do tears come out of the eyes when there is too much happiness? Know the fascinating science behind it

 Why do tears come out of the eyes when there is too much happiness? Know the fascinating science behind it

Why do we cry even when we’re not sad? What are tears good for anyway? even so to wellness expert Michael Roizen, MD, tears are extra useful. They help you see clearly. They wash debris from your eyes. And they convey all kinds of feelings.

But did you really that not every tear is made up of the same material? And while some public cry more than another , it’s OK: You can cry if you want to. Dr. Roizen walks us between all of the major facts all over the fluid that fills your eyes each other and every day.

Why do we cry?

We cry for a variety of ground . Your soulful can cause you to cry when you’re sad, angry or happy.

“Crying for soulful cause creation you feel improve , loosen tension and supply you a psychic reboot,” Dr. Roizen says.

But there are physical cause , too, like if you’ve got dirt in your eye or you affairs some physical pain. “Crying as well as happens for physical cause to deliver nutrients and wash out stress-related toxins,” says Dr. Roizen. “And we cry for social cause to conduct distress, verify , appeal , aversion — hang on on the context.” The fluid that makes up your tears contains water for moisture and oils for lubrication and to prevent your tear liquid from fade . Your tears as well as contain mucus so they can spread always across the surface of your eyes. Plus, that mucus contains antibodies and special proteins for resistance to infection. Oxygen and nutrients are as well as transported to the surface cells of your eyes by tears since there aren’t blood vessels on your eyes. There are three kinds of tears, and each kind has a very different job. Some tears keep your eyes moist, while others wash away debris and protect your eyes from infection. Then, there are the emotional tears.
Here’s why life would look much blurrier without all three kinds.

Types of tears

1. Basal tears

These are your basic tears. Your eyes roll all over in them all day. They contain oil, mucus, water and salt, and support fight poise . The oil keeps your tears in location and head off them from disclose into the climate . Blinking spreads them evenly over the surface of your eye. These tears can improve your vision and sharpen your focus.

2. Irritant tears
These are your eyewash tears. The glands under your eyebrows push them out when you peel an onion, vomit or get dust in your eye. They flush out the material that’s irritating your eyes. These are the kind of tears that stream down your face when your sensitivity are kicking into high gear.

3. Psychic or emotional tears

These tears gush in reply to strong emotions like sadness, grief, joy or rage. They have the same chemical makeup as basal tears, but contain more than stress hormones and natural painkillers. Humans and animals have blend in our body fluids that give off subtle web to other members of the species. That’s why sometimes our tears can relay chemical messages (either intended or unintended) to someone close by. This can bring about empathy or feeling in other people, or signal them to stay away, for sample .

even so to the American Academy of Ophthalmology emotional tears are triggered by empathy, compassionate and societal pain, physical pain, attachment-related pain, and sentimental or moral feelings. Some studies as well as advice public are more likely to feel improve behind crying if they collected social support while doing it.

How much crying is considered normal?

Crying is a normal behavior caused by a variety of reasons that include emotional, physical and chemical reaction from your body. But it’s possible you can cry too should be or not cry enough. Either can cause harmful to your eyes if left native . Some action that aren’t review normal may include the backing .

Too many tears

The tiny start in the inner corner of your eyelids are drains. When you get a cold, these drains can swell and convert blocked. This causes your tears to overflow onto your face. at time , your tear glands making too little oil for the basal tear mix. This can as well as cause an ongoing tear spill.

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Ukraine: Nuclear plant fire extinguished, Russia seizes site

Ukraine: Nuclear plant fire extinguished, Russia seizes site

Global leaders have reacted with dismay behind contest between Russian and Ukrainian passion caused a fire at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The incident sparked fears of a possible nuclear disaster. 
Russian troops seized control of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant too soon Friday behind a building at the site seize fire during hefty fighting with Ukrainian passion . 

The incident at Europe's largest nuclear power plant raised alarm from global leaders of a potential massive disaster before Ukraine's state emergency kindness declarer the blaze had been put out.

"The territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is occupied by the armed forces of the Russian Federation," the Ukrainian nuclear inspectorate said. "The fire was extinguished by the Ukrainian State Emergency kindness units. details on the dead and harmful is absent."  

The revelation added that no radiation leak had been remove and staff were steady to work at the site.

Zelenskyy calls on Russians to protest to avoid another Chernobyl

Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to Russians on Friday to stage protests over Moscow's attack at the site of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant 

"Russian public , I want to appeal to you: how is this possible? behind all we fought together in 1986 against the Chernobyl trouble ," he said in a televised address, evoking memories of the nuclear disaster. 

"You have to take to the streets and say that you want to live, you want to live on earth without radioactive infection . Radiation does not know where Russia is, radiation does not know where the borders of your nation are." 

Russia's defense ministry blamed the attack at the site of the power plant on Ukrainian saboteurs, calling it a monstrous goading .

What we know about the fire

Ukrainian command said Russian troops had shelled the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, causing a fire to break out in the habitation training complex. 

Video footage showed one building ablaze amid a rain of incoming shells, ahead a large candescent ball lit up the sky, sending smoke swell across the site.

behind hours of variability, the site was later secured, with US officials saying the compound's reactors were being "safely shut down." 

Later, the regional military administration said in a revelation that the fire at the plant in southeastern Ukraine had been put out, while reporting damage to the section of one reactor, between it does not affect the overall secure of the power unit. 

How did global leaders react?

A mayor from a town near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was the first to break the news shortly behind 1:30 a.m. local time (2330 GMT). 

"As a result of steady enemy shelling of buildings and units of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is on fire," Enerhodar Mayor Dmytro Orlov said on his Telegram channel, citing what he called a threat to world safety .

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged Europe to "wake up" as he reminded global leaders of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, review the worst of its kind both in cost and missing . 

"I am addressing all Ukrainians, all Europeans and everyone who knows the word Chernobyl," Zelenskyy said in the wake of the fire. "Tens of thousands had to be evacuated and Russia wants to repeat that, and is already repeating it, but six times bigger." 

The Chernobyl nuclear site was captured by Russian forces last week, with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry warning at the time of the possibility of "another ecological disaster."

Zelenskyy said Ukraine has 15 nuclear reactors and "if there is an report  it is the end for everyone. Do not let Europe die in the nuclear catastrophe."

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Xiaomi 12S Ultra has a stunning camera and price

 The Xiaomi 12S Ultra has a stunning camera and price

Xiaomi showcased its current flagship series Xiaomi 12S at an event in China. The main flagship gadget this time is the Xiaomi 12S Ultra. This is as well as the true incomer to the earlier Mi 11 Ultra smartphone. The phone gets a massive camera module with Xiaomi using a new Sony IMX989 sensor, and that is one inch in size.

The camera module at the back is designed to resemble an actual DSLR camera lens. The design also functions as a tribute to Xiaomi’s partnership with Leica, the German camera-maker. still , the 12S series will be remain limited to the China market, even so to the company. This was first reported by Android Central, and Xiaomi PR teams as well as realize to us that this would be the case.

It is surprising, given Xiaomi streamed the event on its global YouTube channel as well. For now, all we know is that the Xiaomi 12S Ultra is unlikely to be made to hand in India and other markets. There’s still a chance that the Xiaomi 12S Ultra could come to other markets, but with a distant name or number line. still , that’s all thought as of now, and we will be have to wait for proof .
Xiaomi 12S Ultra: What’s new, specifications and features

The Xiaomi 12S Ultra sports a leather-like back, between it claims the material is more durable than traditional leather. The corporation is launch this in two colour options, and that are Classic Black and Verdant Green. The phone sports a 6.73-inch AMOLED showing with help for Dolby Vision, HDR10+ and HDR 10 formats.

This is a 2K showing (3200 x 1400 resolution) with 522 PPI. The maximum refresh rate is 120 Hz and since this is an LTPO 2.0 ( Low-temperature polycrystalline oxide) showing , the refresh rate can automatically switch from 1Hz to 120Hz. This is supposed to be improve for array life as well. It comes with 1500 nits of peak light and has a 360-degree ambient light sensor as well. This is a 10-bit colour display as well.

Xiaomi 12S Ultra to Xiaomi Band 7 Pro: Everything Xiaomi launched at its event

The Xiaomi 12S Ultra is powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, like all the other phones in the series. It comes with an all-new 3D cooling complex as well to ensure better condition , and cooling when handling more intensive tasks. The phone has a 4860 mAh battery, 67W wired turbo charging, 50W wireless turbo power and 10W reverse wireless power . It comes with Corning Gorilla Glass Victus on top for extra defense .

Xiaomi 12S Ultra, Xiaomi 12S Ultra naming , Xiaomi 12S Ultra India Xiaomi 12S Ultra comes in a Black and Green colour choice .
The phone has IP68 dust and water resistance. It comes with immersive dual speakers, X-axis linear motor, IR remote control, Bluetooth 5.2 and the audio is tuned by Harman/Kardon.

On the camera front, the Xiaomi 12S Ultra gets a 50MP+ 48MP+48MP union . The main camera is the 50MP Sony IMX 989 sensor and that is one inch in size and comes with optical image stabilisation (OIS). This comes with an 8P aspherical lens, and that involve an IR light filter, and anti-glare lens coating as well. The other 48MP camera is the ultra-wide one with a 128-degree field of view and a 7MP lens. This camera will be help Night mode.

Xiaomi 12S Ultra: Price

Xiaomi 12S Ultra has begin in three copy . The base 8GB RAM+256GB storage choice costs Yuan 5,999 or Rs 70,000 plus on change . The 12GB RAM+256GB version will be cost Yuan 6,499 or Rs 76,000 plus on change . The most lavish version is the 12GB+512GB, and that will be cost CNY 6,999 or close Rs 82,000 plus on change .

Xiaomi’s update flagship in India was the 12 Pro, lunch at a starting price of Rs 62,999. But with the 12S series, the company says it will be limited to China for now. If some variant of Xiaomi 12S Ultra does begin in India, await it to carry a hefty rate tag.

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Self-Employement Scheme Loan Gujarat 2022

 Self-Employement Scheme Loan Gujarat 2022

During this Corona time many more public are deprived of corporation due to and that many public have as well as lost their jobs. Today we are going to talk all over one such projects between and that people can get workers . The name of this scheme is Self-workers projects Loan Gujarat 2022 . So let's get information details all over this plan.

even so to the Social Justice and Empowerment heading of Gujarat authority Resolution No. SSP/122017/568451/A, Dated: 30/9/2017 , Unreserved and teaching finance growth Corporation was established in our state. As per disclose No. EBC/102018/814/A.1, dated: 15/8/2018 , the Self-workers Oriented Loan projects has been implemented for applicants belonging to unreserved classes who want to start a new business. By and that they will be able to get employment and stand on their own feet.

Self-Employement Scheme Loan Gujarat 2022

The projects is implemented by the State heading of Social Justice and Empowerment . In and that all the public from the unreserved group of the state like those who want to get self -workers will be given a loan from the authority . In this loan, those who need a vehicle loan like rickshaw , loading rickshaw , Maruti eco , jeep-taxi etc. will be as well as get a loan . .

Loans are as well as to hand for other corporation such as grocery stores , medical stores , ready- made garment stores , book stores, etc.

And the loan will be as well be at hand for getting vehicles for convert , logistics , travelers , food court etc corporation along with needed structures .

Benefits fo Self-employment Scheme Gujarat 2022 – Benefits fo Self scheme Gujarat
Loans for non-reserved class public of the state to get self-workers have been implemented by the authority , and that is currently being implemented by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. This loan is supply for 3 distant self workers and that are as follows.

Loans for small vehicles
If the receiver demand any small wheels for self-workers such as rickshaw, loading rickshaw, Maruti Eco, Jeep-taxi, etc., the " On Road Cost " cost of such wheels will be donor as a loan by the authority .

Loans for small business
For this projects , loans are as well as donor to those who want to start small corporation like shops, medical stores, ready-made garment stores, book stores etc. In and that a loan of 10 lakh rupees is donor from the authority to start workers .

Loans for large-loading vehicles
In this projects , unreserved class public will be get a loan of 6 lakh rupees from the bank to get a wheels for workers , logistics, travelers, food court, etc., along with need shape .

Interest rate of financial assistance for small scale self-employment
As shown more than , the beneficiary will get loan in 3 different types even so to the corporation to be begin and the interest of the loan is kept as follows.

Small wheels Loan Interest in this loan will be payable at a simple interest rate of 5 percent per annum . Loans for women will be at hand at a easy interest rate of 4 percent . Loans for small corporation will be to hand at a simple interest rate of 5 percent per annum . Loans will be to hand for women at a easy interest rate of 4 percent. Loan for Big-Loading wheels 5% interest subsidy will be available on loan taken from bank for Rs.6 lakhs for obtaining wheels for business with necessary shape as mentioned more than .
Gujarat Loan Yojana Lending Criteria

  • The entrant must have a license for the loan for the wheels .

  • For small business loan the entrant must be have the demand booking as per the rules .

  • The obtain wheels is demand to be hypothecated as per rules .

  • The loan has to be repaid in regular installments behind five months behind the wheels is found

  • The small corporation has to be started within 3 months of getting the loan and the loan will be collected in equal monthly installments of 5 years behind 3 months after starting the business .

  • If the total amount of the loan exceeds 7.5 lakhs , the amount equal to the total amount has to be mortgaged to himself or any other relative in favor of the Immovable Property business .

  • Each borrower shall furnish 5 blank review signed in favor of the business .

Self-Employment Scheme Loan Gujarat Eligibility – Eligibility
This projects is most implemented for unreserved class public who can begin their own corporation and earn by getting this loan. Eligibility for the loan projects is as follows.

  • receiver entrant must be a native of Gujarat nation .

  • receiver entrant should belong to unreserved group .

  • The age of the receiver entrant should be between 18 years to 50 years.

  • receiver candidate must be have Forwheel and Heavy wheels license.

  • The interest rate of the loan will be 5% easy interest per annum and 4% for women .

Gujarat Government Subsidy Loan For Small Business Niyamo – Terms and Conditions

  • Online request for this projects can be made on the authority portal till 29/02/2025 .

  • In this projectors , a target of 3500 receiver has been set by Govt .

  • In this projectors , just one organ of the family can get the comfort of the projcts .

  • behind the request is confirmed by the applicant for the loan projects , ahead verification of the paper submitted online by the corporation, the in- principle approval/rejection/satisfaction information will be sent directly to the entrant through E- Mail/SMS to the receiver .

  • The entrant will be have to submit the encumbrance/mortgage paper once the request is approved .

  • 5 review (with printed name ) in favor of the company have to be presented.

  • The entrant has to total the completed details of the demand paper and upload them online . Then the application of the entrant will be returned to the login company between the district.

  • The applicant who has been donor in-principle approval by the corporation has send the demand material evidences demand from the blessing letter online and the office of the district manager of the district in and that he resides has to deposit the printout of the application and the need help evidence within 30 days .

  • The loan amount will be credited to the active bank account linked with the Aadhaar card .

  • Henceforth demand information have to be reported through SMS/E-MAIL If your mobile digit and E-MAIL have changed, the details all over this has to be reported to the corporation office here.

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Manav Kalyan Yojana 2022

 Manav Kalyan Yojana 2022

Manav Kalyan Yojana online Apply | Human Welfare Scheme request Form. Makhana Kannada Journey | Manav Kalyan Yojana 2022 Online booking | Gujarat authority Human Welfare projects Online

The Manav Kalyan Yojana of the authority of Gujarat is a projects making with the aim of economic progress and advancement of the backward caste and poor action . Under this projects , economic support will be donor to 28 (twenty eight) types of low income earners. The authority of Gujarat has declared Manav Kalyan Yojana 2022 to support those who are workers as hawkers, vegetable sellers, carpenters, washermen, cobblers etc.

Manav Kalyan Yojana was first begin by the authority of Gujarat on 11.09.1995 for the backward and poor community. An upgraded many of that projects has been announced in 2022. below this projects , those artisans, laborers, small vendors etc. of backward castes, whose income is up to Rs 12,000 in rural areas and up to Rs 15,000 in urban areas, will be given economic assistance by the authority . Additional tools and equipment will be as well as be supply to them below this scheme. The main objective of this projects is to better the economic condition of the artisans, laborers and small corporation struggling with the economic condition and to supply them self-workers chance .

Manav Kalyan Yojana 2022

This projects has been issued by the Commissioner of Cottage and Rural Industries of the state authority . In the previous years, the application forms for this projects were filled between offline process. But in the latest year 2022, online demand will be accepted between e Samaj Kalyan Portal. Manav Kalyan Yojana Online 2022 Form can be filled at e-kutir Gujarat. So that the citizens of Gujarat can apply online sitting at home to take advantage of this projects . This projects is like the manav garima projects being run by the state, and that is benefitting the public .

If you as well as want to apply in this Manav Kalyan Yojana of the authority and want to be a entrant in the comfort of this projects , then the total process of request is donor under , follow it.

Objective of Gujarat Manav Kalyan Yojana 2022
The authority of Gujarat has always been making efforts to bring the poor family members out of poverty. This time as well as , with the help of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, the authority of Gujarat has begin this Manav Kalyan Yojana. Mason, wheels repairers, cobblers, tailors, potters, beauty parlors, washermen, fish sellers, milk vendors, flour mill and spice millers, papad makers, mobile repairers will be able to take advantage of this projects . below this human welfare scheme, every possible support will be donor to them to increase their income.
The central authority works near with the state governments to help every single citizen. In collaboration with the Tribal Ministry of the nation authority , the Industries and Mines heading of the authority of Gujarat has carry on this Manav Kalyan Yojana 2022 for BPL families.

Hope more and more public will get details about this projects and they will be comfort from this human welfare projects .

Manav Kalyan Yojana Eligibility Criteria – Eligibility Criteria scheme

  1. The candidate must be a permanent resident of Gujarat.
  2. Their age should be within 16-60 years.
  3. receiver Name Rural growth Dept. Must be in BPL List.
  4. They are demand to show income paper and that is attested by Mamlatdar or any responsible officer of Municipality or Municipal company .

needed Documents – Document Required for the Manav Kalyan Yojna 2022 :
  • Aadhar card
  • Ration card
  • Proof of Residence (Electricity Bill, License, Lease Agreement, Electricity Card)
  • proof of gender of the applicant
  • yearly income paper
  • proof of education
  • paper of corporation Oriented Training

How to apply online For Manav Kalyan Yojana – How to fill the application form?

  • Firstly go to the official database .
  • For booking visit Society/ NGO booking / Gulf institution/ Commissioner of Cottage and Rural academy at academy
  • Click on projects Name
  • fill the request form
  • Attach extra of paper to the form.
  • and then submit the form

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