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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

What is Cyber Crime and how it is increasing day by day

What is Cyber Crime and how it is increasing day by day

With the increasing digit of sophisticated cyber-crimes, there has been a demand to identify the root cause of this present crisis. 

Despite the measures being put in place to fend off cyber-fault , for some point , they keep on expand .

Cyber security experts are out on overdrive to point out the cause for increasing cyber-fault as well as come up with size to tackle this issue .

Many public only realize the basic measures of adjust  cyber-crimes, one of and that involved using a key . 

In order to combat this issue , we demand to know all the point that cause cyber-fault to increase in this world today.

What is Cyber-crime?

Cyber-crime is also real as computer fault .

Cyber-crime is a crime in and that a computer is worn for a crime like hacking, phishing, spamming etc. 

Cybercafe is the use of a computer as an gadget to further illegal ends, for sample committing crime , trafficking in mental property and kinds pornography, stealing identities or violating secure . 

Cyber-lawbreaker are those personal who use the Internet to doing illegal projects .

They are as well as solitude as hackers.

Cyber-criminals use the Internet and computer automatic to hack users’ privet computers, smartphone data, privet information from social media, company and state secrets.

What are the Causes of Cybercrimes?

Cyber-crimes occur as a result of distant point . 


Human living have a leaning to ignore and neglect their duty to ensure the secure of their data.

When a person fails to use a key or is careless with their details , cyber-criminals can carry out illegal projects in case of them.

Easy access

There are many  more change of breach due to system automatic and fast Internet access.

Hackers can steal access codes, retina photo and advanced novice reporter to fool bio-metrics.

Bypass firewalls are simple used to gain access past many  more secure complex .

This makes it exacting to safeguard computer complex from banned access, leading to cyber-fault . 


employee complex are programmed by a series of different and complex canon and that can be hard to grasp.

These gaps are used as loopholes by cyber-criminals to launch their attacks without being noticed.

range to store data in a rather small location 

Computers are able to store large voice of data in one single storage unit.

This makes hackers access all the data with a single click and use it for their own baleful attacks. 

Loss of evidence

Since data that has been breached can be easily destroyed by cyber-lawbreaker , it is difficult to investigate cyber-fraud cases, leading to more extent of illegal projects . 

What are the 6 Causes of Increasing Cyber-crimes?

With all the measures put in place to reduce cyber crimes the number keeps on increasing. 

This could be why:

Human negligence

Many public do not really care all over how to secure their details online.

People log in to suspicious sites and want to illegally log in items from malicious links and stage .

This basic ignorance that they could possibly face data damage leads us to the increased rate of cyber-fraud .

Evolving nature of cyber crimes

Cyber-crimes keep on changing over time.

New cyber fault keep on emerging every day and it is the job of cyber-safety experts to identify them and keep up with this pace.

This may prove dissent as some of these crimes go discreet .

This leads to an increase in cyber-crime.

A numbers game

Most cyber-lawbreaker take confine illegal projects like a game of digit .

They play vulnerable people and wait for the prey like a lion does for prey.

When you fall into their trap, and that is either by a phone call or fake emails, it becomes total to get out.

This makes them keep on drafting and projects for ways to get more public , leading to an increase in cyber-fraud .

Selling stolen information

Some hackers sell stolen details as a way to get their om come .

This leads them to commit cyber fraud and sell the intellectual assets of privet details to organisations or personal . 

   Criminals operate from anywhere

Because the Internet has been made to hand all over the world, a privet can simple hack a system on a bus or at the comfort of their home.

This is one of the great causes of increased cyber-fraud as the digit of lawbreaker are not limited.

Targeting people

Cyber-lawbreaker want to target rich public and authority officials to extort case from them or for other privet gains.

As long as they keep doing this, cyber-crimes will  be  keep on expand . 

Preventive Measure of Cybercrimes

Tackling cyber-crimes must be a top priority for every privet who entry the Internet. 

These are some ways to prevent and stop cyber fault from event .

Use a strong password

Having an effective key is one of the surest ways to fight cyber-fault .

all time have a key for every report projects on the Internet.

Do not share your key with all over .

Use strong key union that involved both sets of letters ( upper and lower case), digit and mark . This makes it hard for the hacker to crack.

Protect your mobile devices

log in request only from trusted fount .

Have a key for your phone to secure your details .

Mobile gadget may be subject to attack by malicious program and viruses.

Be social media savvy

In case you are using social media on a regular basis, regard your safety settings and secure you keep your details person .

Be sure about what you want to share on the Internet.

Once it’s there, it cannot be erased.

The Internet never ignore .

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